Welcome Gemma

We are so excited to welcome a new photographer to the Birth Collective team, Gemma Wilson!

How does the Birth Collective team work?

As you can only imagine the nature of birth is unpredictable and we needed a team similar to how a midwife would have one. If one of us is unavailable, we know we always have someone to be at the births. 

Here’s a few words from Gemma: 

I have two boys, Braxton and Broly. I just adore them more than anything and they are a big reason why I do this job. I also have an amazing supportive partner. When we aren’t living through the chaos of everyday life we love to get outdoors in to nature, camping, spending time with family, skating, dancing, listening to music and hanging at the beach.
My love for photography began when I was young. One  of  my favourite memories was spending hours in my parent’s wardrobe digging through boxes and albums of photographs looking at old family photos. That was when I knew that I wanted to be a photographer. To preserve memories for families so their children and their children would have those images to look back on and get all the feelings and memories that come with stories to tell that they will treasure forever.
I studied photography in my mid twenties, went on and travelled a few countries, but it wasn’t until my two sons were born that my passion really grew into something more. I was so smitten by them that I wanted to capture every piece of their beauty, the joy and every milestone.
My passion for birth photography steamed from looking at emotional and empowering birth images. It brought back all of my memories and feelings that I experienced during my births and holding each of my boys for the first time, just pure bliss and the happiest day of my life.
And then from my first birth experience of birth photography I was hooked and knew it was something I must pursue.

Check out some of Gemmas beautiful portfolio: https://www.gemmawilson.co.nz/portfolio/

Family photographer christchurch
Family photographer christchurch
Family photographer christchurch
Family photographer christchurch
Family photographer christchurch
Family photographer christchurch
Family photographer christchurch
Family photographer christchurch
Family photographer christchurch
Family photographer christchurch

Images captured by Emily @ Birth Collective